Underground Galaxy – Stagione 4 – #6

Foto: copertina album Just To Be Ironic, Tommy Newport

Esploriamo i meandri musicali di galassie ignote: In questa puntata novità musicali, a Lost and Found Dani ci parla delle giapponesi OXZ, successivamente un piccolo giro musicale negli USA a cura di Dirs.


  1. King Krule
    “Alone, Omen 3” /Man Alive!
  2. Nap Eyes
    “Mark Zuckerberg”/Snapshot of a Beginner
  3. Tame Impala
    “Breath Deeper ”/The Slow Rush
  4. Thundercat
    “Black Qualls”feat. Steve Lacy & Steve Arrington/It Is What It Is

Wild Nothing

“Sleight of Hand”/Laughing Gas EP

Lost and Found:


  1. Vivian
  2. Touching My Heart

Travelling Ears: USA

  1. Tommy Newport
    “Gold”/Just To Be Ironic
  2. Low Hum
    “Comatose”/ Room To Breath