Underground Galaxy – Puntata 6
Foto: “Blood Bitch” album cover di Jenny Hval
Esploriamo i meandri musicali di galassie ignote: novità musicali, informazione dei festival, concerti nel territorio a cura di Dani, Dirs e questa puntata anche Barro (Bedroom music)
Qui di seguito potete ascoltare le rubriche di Underground Galaxy del 05.12.2016
- Jenny Hval
“Female Vampire”/Blood Bitch - Cate LeBon
“Rock Pool”/Rock Pool - Drugdealer
“The End of Comedy”/The End of Comedy - High Sunn
“I Care”/teardrop party - Mr Twin Sister
“Poor Relations”/Single
Lost and Found:
The V.AC.
- “Walkin’ with a crown” (Single 2008)
- “Bus Stop” (Single 2008)
- “The Secret (should be the title)” (Single 2011)
Travelling Ears: Speciale Gypsy
1. Django Reinhardt & Stéphane Grappelli
“Minor Swing” / (1937)
2.Goran Bregovic
“Marushka” / (2013)
3. Elvis Presley
“Suspiscious Minds”/ From Memphis to Vegas/From Vegas to Memphis (1969)
4. Gipsy Kings
“Un Amor” / Allegria (1982)
5. Redi Hasa & Maria Mazzotta
“Ederlezi” / (2014)
Music Brunch:
1.Ahmed Fakroun
“Jama El F’na”/Mots D’Amour