Here Come The End – Gregory Crimson – Canzone per Raccolta Fondi EOC di Bellinzona

Fa male vedere cosa ha dovuto subire l’umanità questi ultimi mesi. Come il resto del mondo, anche il Ticino in Svizzera è stato colpito da questa tragedia chiamata covid-19. È importante per noi poter partecipare in qualche modo a questa battaglia per il benessere del futuro dell’umanità e del mondo.

Sentitevi liberi di dare una donazione all’Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale (EOC) in Ticino. Medici ed infermieri hanno bisogno di noi più che mai. Ecco il sito ufficiale degli ospedali dove potete fare la donazione:

Per comprare la canzone in .mp3 ad un minimo di 1 euro ad un massimo di vostra scelta, cliccate qui:

La canzone è anche disponibile su Spotify, Apple Music, Google Play, iTunes, Amazon e tutti gli store digitali. Siate forti.

Gregory Crimson.

Aspetto vostre notizie, e grazie mille per la vostra sicura collaborazione e per il Vostro tempo dedicatomi a questo importante messaggio di sostegno. Con I miei migliori saluti e un bacio al mio Ticino.

SolMusic Management
Tiziana Hurd, President
6 Park Drive
McKellar, Ontario
P2A 0B4 CANADA in new tab)
Ph#: +1.705.389.3110
WhatsApp/Cell#: +1.705.985.3110

SolMusic Consulting & Management Roster:
Adnan Alhamdan (Syria)
DR. SIN (Hard/Heavy – Brazil)
Gregory Crimson (Rock – Switzerland)
THE BLACK ACADEMY (DeathRock – Switzerland)

Biografia Gregory Crimson

Gregory Crimson (real name: “Greorio Raponi”) was born in Lugano, Switzerland on the 19 September 1991.

In his teens he grew up in Italy near Rome with his parents (Alessandro & Slavi Raponi) and his brother (Flavio Raponi). At the age of 16, while studying at the High school of arts, he joined his first metal-core band called Danger Shinra, as a backing vocal guitar player with some school friends. The band broke up after 2 years.

At the age of 18 he moved to Switzerland were he first started his solo musical career before forming his band, The Black Academy as a lead singer.

He released his first album called “DeadSuperHeroes” with his band in 2016 and then came the album “Beautiful/Insane” in 2017 as a solo project.

In the same year, he sang the soundtrack of an italian movie called Fantasticherie di un passeggiatore solitario” which won the 7th place as best soundtrack in the italian oscars, “David di Donatello”.

In 2018 he sang the soundtrack of his second movie called “La Mia Seconda Volta”. The film sold over 200’000 tickets only on presale and was a huge success in Italy. It came out in every cinema in the country and the soundtrack was nominated for the David di Donatello which is still awaiting nomination.

Gregory Crimson is currently working on his second album with his band which should be out in the fall of 2020. The release date of his second solo album is still unknown.